Viewsonic as a company founded in 1987 by Taiwan born in America James Chu. The company devoted exclusively to the manufacture of monitors and the 90s the Viewsonic evolved into one of the five largest manufacturers of screens worldwide.

The company’s headquarters are located in America, laboratories in Taiwan and the production factory in China.

Interesting is the company’s logo depicting three birds, Gouldian finch species that lives in Australia.


Viewsonic in recent years has entered aggressively the market of professional projectors and timidly to that of home cinema.

A big trump card in my personal point of view as regards the Viewsonic projectors are that are designed and manufactured by the company itself and not some copy or product “Consortium” as happens when overused in recent years with the Infocus and Optoma companies for example.


So my hands reached the PRO7827HD, destined for home cinema use in accordance with the Viewsonic (and features), for a full review.


The projector belongs to the most well-known and famous small DLP projector category of ~ 1000$ and comes with 2 years  good operation guarantee .



Let’s look at the basic features

  • DLP technology (0.65 Dark Chip 3 DMD)
  • FullHD resolution 1920X1080
  • 2,200 lumens brightness
  • Contrast 22.000:1
  • Zoom 1.3 X
  • Lens shift vertical 110%~130%
  • Noise 36dB/31dB (Normal/Eco)
  • 3500hrs/6500hrs bulb duration (Normal/Eco Mode)
  • Dimensions 316mm x 228mm x 103.7 mm
  • Weight 2.6 Kg



And now let’s move to the see …





The PRO7827HD is black with assembled dimensions …




Of course the projector was checked thoroughly by all staff of projectorjunkies before proceeding to the test of:)




The PRO7827HD with the first glance shows quality construction with a very nice brushed aluminum look that in essence it is a well-made plastic. Also very convenient is the Lens lens shift that works flawlessly.





At the top are the “controls”. And that sense of show in favor of due quality for cheap projector category.




The PRO7827HD has a very handy cover that adapts to the body of the projector very easily and does a very good job in disappearance of cables.





The right side features a lid that removing the revealed the post for Viewsonic wireless HDMI kits sold as extra in case you need someone. In there you will find a regular HDMI port compatible with MHL Protocol for connecting the wireless Dongle (or any other device we want) and a mini usb cable that is essentially a mini HDMI port/MHL and mini usb 5V power supply for the smart device and the Dongle.




The wireless Dongle is the WPG-300 and resembles a lot with a usb stick only that instead of featuring HDMI usb door.




After the projector can connect with special software of Viewsonic to transmit media WiFi (of our Router i.e.) material up and 1080p from our computer or any device that is connected to our network through AirView. Simple and Genius will say …





PRO7827HD remote is small, light and handy. Also works as if you have cable connected, wherever you turn, from any location of the room, giving the command to the projector ALWAYS, something very important I would say.




Opening the projector you are ahead in very beautiful Viewsonic logo on blue background …





Before we move to the main Review let’s look briefly PRO7827HD menu which is overcrowded by image sliders and not only.









viewsonic 7827hd menu1



In this second window will find all related image sliders. The PRO7827HD features an arsenal of almost everything. From Full CMS and RGB sliders up ISF mode which is locked (for anyone who wants to unlock the password is up, down, up, down, left, right)

viewsonic 7827hd menu2

viewsonic 7827hd menu3

viewsonic 7827hd menu44

viewsonic 7827hd menu5

viewsonic 7827hd menu6



And the rest of the menu … (tip, factory spotlight has turned on the option “Quick Power Off” which allows to close the projector completely 2-3 seconds after you press the off button. This option must disable in order to allow the lamp to cool more time after you close the projector, such a move will lengthen the life of)

viewsonic 7827hd menu7

viewsonic 7827hd menu8

viewsonic 7827hd menu9

viewsonic 7827hd menu10



The PRO7827HD has an internal pattern so we can do a rudimentary Visual check on the image.

viewsonic 7827hd paterns



Before we move to the measurements that we got from the PRO7827HD to refer to a problem we encountered. The projector while keying in 1080p24 other internally not played correctly the 24 frames resulting in problematic traffic when viewing 1080p24 material. Upon contact with the Viewsonic problem solved with a firmware upgrade. The projector that we had in our hands wore the firmware 1.02 and had already released 1.04. For the record the new firmware we sent, we installed and the projector played the 24 frames exactly as it should. Finally good well, all good.






The PRO7827HD from the first measurements showed his teeth. Like genuine DLP projector showed remarkable good behavior with linear gradients of RGB gamma and pretty good. I would say that this small group of ranks DLP projectors that can play extremely without even touch the sliders.

Let’s look at the two “cinema” mode that I counted …


Standard mode, lamp eco

standard mode lamp eco



Rec 709 mode, lamp eco

rec709 lamp eco



And here after a calibration of the Standard RGB mode (is the mode that I finally chose for this review)

standard calibrated



Excellent behavior showed and PRO7827HD lamp. With the same settings and simply turning the bulb setting of Eco in Normal gave the following great measurement. Very important for a projector to have same color behavior either at or at 49fl 33fl brightness because we have to give all the accelerators without some alteration in the picture.

standard calibrated lamp normal



The color of the triangle also comes very well configured factory with slightly overcrowded intermediate gradations, which in nothing “spoils” the Viewer, I would say, if it is my own philosophy and he likes bright saturated colours (without exaggeration, of course) will find this color palette ideal for viewing movies.




Not even walked in to fix both small block through the CMS because it would be “diyliza camel” and is something that I do not …


Let’s move on measurements of brightness and Contrast to see how they fared in these areas the PRO7827HD


Brightness (standard mode)

  • Lamp Eco : 1060 lumen
  • Lamp Super Eco : 1550 lumen
  • Lamp Normal : 1550 lumen
  • Lamp Dynamic : 1550 lumen
  • Lamp Normal/mode Dynamic 1960 lumen

Contrast (standard mode)

  • Lamp Eco 2180:1
  • Lamp Super Eco 2460:1
  • Lamp Normal 2120:1
  • Lamp Dynamic 3650:1

1060 lumen brightness me in place and on/off Eco contrast 2180:1 o PRO7827HD shows his teeth in the competition while kontrarei in straight top in this category W1110 BenQ. Really impressive when you consider that even with the normal position lamp o PRO7827HD continues and turns out figures contrast more than 2000:1!

With both high brightness the PRO7827HD won’t say no yet in several screens of more than 120 inch while I kinda trouble in less than 100-inch screens are the truth because of its high brightness.






First positive impression I gained from the build quality of the projector and is something I frankly did not expect. The chassis of the shows beautiful, compact and well made. The finish also at various details showing excellent projector in this class and look “brushed black aluminum” certainly adds points.  Will katetassa in the category of the quality issue W1110 BenQ and definitely over the Optoma I’ve tried in the past.



My first try at a new projector always regards the lens. From there usually start a and I consider it one of the most important components of a home cinema projector.

Here the PRO7827HD epifylasse me a very big surprise. The lens of dare to say it is the best lens I have seen personally a projector below thousand euros in issue definition and good focus, so simply.

The rings of the focus and zoom is working properly by doing exactly what the user wants. Playing with the focus you can adjust the focus of the picture perfect from edge to edge. The focus throughout the frame is EXACTLY the same and the picture actually shaves. If I bring in my mind all small DLP that I’ve seen at times I would say that only the BenQ W1110 approaching the performance of PRO7827HD lens, all other implementations fall short from little to significantly.


Finally, an inexpensive DLP projector that makes no dent in the theme definition and correct focus!


If those go well and the theme color aberration this lens would be for tutorials of “how to build a cheap lens that works perfectly” … other unfortunately in this area does not exceed the average of the class. Approaching near cloth findings that there is little diffusion of the color red to the right of the borders.

The important thing is that this diffusion is small, there is naturally perceived by the viewing distance nor affects the sharpness of the projector, so evil is small.

With the easily configurable and good focus and with the practical and completely functional lens shift, to centre and focus perfectly and quickly on your screen with the PRO7827HD is a simple and easy process. O PRO7827HD can view 100 inches from 2.6 up to 3.3 meters using the zoom.


I tried to photograph the four edges of the screen to see what I mean when I say exceptional focus from edge to edge.


Bottom left


Bottom right


Top right


Top left



A big Bravo to Viewsonic which “clothed” a cheap home cinema projector with both good lens and can the DLP optical engine to show the real teeth!



Noise and operating temperature

From the PRO7827HD noise issue do not unfortunately escapes from the curse of small DLP projectors. With the CAP in place Εco the noise is in tolerable although levels (somewhere between W1110 and the Optoma 151X) other if dare and put the lamp in normal position then the noise gets annoying for viewing the film with low sound, particularly if the viewing position is close to the projector.

Increased noise of course has his kind, the PRO7827 is perhaps the coolest small DLP out there. At room temperature 29 degrees, the temperature at the exit of the cooling system was measured at 41 degrees, which is more than “cold” measurement, believe me.

And with bare hands if you grasp the projector chassis per hour who works easily understand that he cooled properly and the temperature is well below average, probably to Viewsonic’s engineers could cut slightly turns the fan cooling system and to reduce the noise, other they surely know better.







These little DLP trelanoyn us. The PRO7827HD features built-in speakers whose performance both in intensity and in quality verges on the absurd. With the tension in post 16, which comes factory filled an area 30 m 2 for fun! It and tell you it’s a little, you have to listen for yourself to understand why “irrational” performance talk!




And we came to the important part, that of the image.

Like parentheses to say PRO7827HD like genuine good DLP has white uniformity that I envy much more expensive models. Putting white tab what empowerment as a spectator is nothing other than a bright white frame without a trace of tint. In this area the small Viewsonic gets excellent 10 out of 10.

The projector connected with our HTPC, locked in 1080p24 and directly started the feed material.


First test the movie “The Great Gatsby”. Waooh… What a picture.

Every time I see a good little my surprise DLP remains huge. True you can see this picture with projector of 800 euros? Yes … You can …


Little my Viewsonic showed off the first scene that this is a very good projector DLP optical engine. Contrast levels are at a very high level and combined with the excellent sharpness of this lens that receives the eye of the beholder is really impressive … immortal Dark chip 3 …

Viewsonic 7827HD screenshot4



The ansi contrast of PRO7827HD is located in the well-known top DLP levels giving it the embossed texture that makes it so attractive to the eye of the beholder …

Viewsonic 7827HD screenshot2



Color this slightly over-saturated and highlight out of the triangle box gives a remarkably pithy color image converting known scenes in real cacophonies.


The skins have a tendency toward hyperbole, but without the touch, and the end result meets avidly chrwmatikws eyes like mine. Let’s say that the small Viewsonic has his own way to out of the box illustration, how some cuticle will find extravagant and some impressive, I am definitely in the second category. Course for the first category of spectators there and complete the CMS PRO7827HD to carry the colors at the level they desire, tastes. Personally, however, and after several hours of viewing, will not peiraza the slightest color to PRO7827HD.


Following a comparison with the BenQW1110 to understand what I mean. Over the PRO7827HD, the lower the W1110..

Viewsonic 7827HD




Passing to other classic films, the situation started to become even more striking as regards the management of light and the ansi contrast each scene with the PRO7827HD really rolls out the DLPadikes virtues. Semi-brightness  scenes like the following are “butter on bread” for the PRO7827HD …

Viewsonic 7827HD screenshot10

Viewsonic 7827HD screenshot9



In highly cinematic scenes the PRO7827HD also paint extremely, as most DLP projectors will I spotted. In these scenes you really understand why viewing films on a good projector has this unique feeling that doesn’t meet in any tv …

Viewsonic 7827HD screenshot16

Viewsonic 7827HD screenshot15

Viewsonic 7827HD screenshot24



And the animated films the PRO7827HD these go swimmingly. Here in general the DLP projectors play ball at their Stadium and their performance is almost always top, Viewsonic little could not be an exception. In these films the ansi contrast plays a leading role and the PRO7827HD has “tons” of it …

Viewsonic 7827HD screenshot17

Viewsonic 7827HD screenshot19

Viewsonic 7827HD screenshot18




Having passed the new firmware in small Viewsonic 24arwn frame movement is characterized as a classic “good” traffic DLP projector. The judder of 24arwn frames will make the show exclusively on difficult scenes with large panarismata such as the first scene of the film Hugo for example. In other scenes the motion is smooth without weird skalwmata and won’t be troubling the Viewer. Unfortunately PRO7827HD does not have any tutorial like Frame Interpolation, others in this price class we did not expect and something different.





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The Viewsonic as projector manufacturer  with leave indifferent one and never had happen to find a model of my hands to tell the truth. If you say that you do not hold small basket when xepaketara the PRO7827HD I would say lies. The projector however refuted outright and this is something that I must admit. I waited another DLP of “series” and I found myself in front of a animero beast. A machine in favour of duly bright, with high contrast, with superb lens/sharpness and overall performance that impresses.

New fighter well in small category that comes with forums and looking face competition without scruples. If you intend to obtain this small class projector take a look at PRO7827HD, it is most likely to pleasantly surprise you and you.




  • Great lens with superb clarity and uniform focus
  • High contrast (for this category)
  • High brightness (lumen 1060 in Eco mode!)
  • Very good color out of the box behavior
  • Lamp duration (6500 hours in Eco mode)
  • Low acquisition price (well below the psychological threshold of 1000$)
  • Very good build quality




  • High noise operation (particularly in normal mode)
  • Light color aberration











Viewsonic PRO7827HD

Retail price ~900$




Good views!


Nikos Tsolas


  1. Johnson says:

    Thank you for the wonderful review. I am having a problem with this projector where it is not recognizing any DVD/Blue Ray players via HDMI. It does recognize my generic iptv box however at 1280 X 720 resolution. It has been frustrating to say the least! I have tried the xbox 360 and it does not recognize that also. I called Viewsonic tech support and requested a firmware upgrade after reading your article – but the tech said that there is not upgrade at present! Your article said that they sent you a firmware upgrade to version 1.04, but the version on my projector is 1.0. I am not sure what to do as I have passed the 1 month period to return it to Amazon where I bought it from…

    • Tsolas Nikos says:

      I remember the old firmware version was 1.01. Maybe you have the latest projector version and already have the latest firmware that they named 1.0. Anyway i can send you the latest firmware(that solves the 24hz issue). Just send me your email

  2. Hakan says:


    Thanks for the review. Can you send me the latest firmware if you still have it?

    Best regards.

    • Tsolas Nikos says:

      Hello my friend, i just send you the firmware via wetransfer.

      • Hakan says:

        Thank you very much for the FW ( I really cannot see the point why Viewsonic do not officially rmention or release new FWs on their website, many users today are able to update their devices as well as the customer service unless special hardware is required. Many others that cannot risk updating by themselves would at least be aware of an upgrade).

        By the way, I do not know if you still have or use the projector or remember the settings but if you do, can you share the settings that you use ( if I remember correctly, you used the standart RGB mode for tests ).

        Best regards,

      • Hakan says:

        Sorry, I forgot to mention. I’d much appreciate if you share how to enter the projector secret/service menu ( to adjust color wheel index etc) if you know how.


      • FloMZ74 says:

        Hi, could you please send me the firmware 1.04 too please?
        florian ossig pramex com

    • Jason Park says:

      Could you send me the latest firmware if you still have it?

      Best regards.

  3. KookyBone says:

    Thank you for this great review. After my sixth Benq Beamer died from a exploding lamp (happened the secound time already, with the w1070+ and the w1110), i searched for another product of antoher company and this one looks very good. But one question about what you not mentioned in your review: Have you tried gaming? Have you made some experiences with input lag? Because i read some other reviews that mention that. And another question is, have you maybe tried the optoma hd29 dabee in comparision?

    And one questions about the calibration… can you give away the values you entered? I know each device is a little bit different but maybe it is a good starting point.

    Hope my new one has the update installed, if not would be great you can send me the firmware update, too!

  4. Nabi says:

    Thanks for fabulous review.

  5. Chris says:

    Are you able to share the calibrated settings with us please? Thank you for the review

  6. Pablo Loschi says:

    can you please send me the firmware and how to update? thanks

  7. abel mwambinga says:

    Plz share me the FM and calibrated settings and how to enter projector secret menu

  8. Laurent says:

    Hi can you share the latest firmware and calibrated settings. Thanks a lot in advance.

  9. laurent ego says:


    I’ve got the firmware tool and update procedure from viewsonic but not the firmware file … Can you send me that img file please?
    Thanks a lot in advance.
    Laurent Ego

  10. Alexander says:

    Excellent review Thanks, could you please send me the latest firmware, calibration settings and the secret menu access Please.

  11. Kevin says:

    Hello. Anyone can send latest firmware file please?

  12. Nikolay says:

    I’m а proud owner of this projector and I’m glad I found this nice review.
    Would you please be so kind to send me the latest firmware you have, and maybe those calibration settings everyone is asking for :).
    Thank you!

  13. Matt Pitts says:

    It looks like there’s a lot of us looking for this firmware as well. I just purchased one of these from an Amazon sale with a manufacture date in 6/2016 and a firmware version of 1.03. I would like to get it upgrade to the latest version as well. The firmware and/or any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

  14. leon says:

    hi wow realy good review i think i will go for this model , if you dont mind i have some questions

    1- is the problem of not recognizing sources from hdmi ports solved ? as i want use it with ps4
    2-if i want best performance do i need order professional calibration ? as i dont know what to do
    3- i understand that this model have about 50ms inpul lag , will it be fine for sport games on the ps4 like fifa ,pro evolution soccer and so on ?

    many thanks

  15. Andreas says:

    I would also like the firmware please if possible, and it would be awesome if you could share the post-calibration settings!
    Thanks for the great work!

  16. vimon says:

    very good review. i have viewsonic pro7827hd too,please share for new firmware and calibrated setting.
    Thank you in advance

  17. vimon says:

    very good review. please share for new firmware and calibrated setting.Thank you very much.

  18. Ermanno De Rosa says:


    Thanks for the review. Can you send me the latest firmware and update procedure, if you still have it?

    Thanks and Best regards.

  19. FloMZ74 says:

    Which firmware version is the latest?

  20. Viewmore says:

    Nice Review. Could you please help with 1.04. Firmware and instruction. Thanks in advance

  21. Ermanno DE Rosa says:

    I am a happy owner of the video projector object of this test. Excellent review Thanks, could you please send me the latest firmware, and the secret menu access Please.
    Thanks in advance and best regards.

  22. Mann Back says:

    Could you send me the latest firmware if you still have it?

    Best regards.

  23. HD Lee says:

    Can I receive the firmware? Help me, please.

  24. ilyas says:

    Greetings friends, Who can send me the latest firmware and tell me how can I reach service menu and update FW? Thanks a lot

    (I had to give new mail address)

  25. Robert says:

    My old trusty Sanyo PLZ700 died after 4 bulbs of use and 14 years of use. Got one of these units 2nd hand just not sure about which 4K projector to get now. Maybe LED will become more common but not sure about laser vs bulb. Anyways can you send the FW.

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