The so-called Professional Series projectors are usually constructed with reliable, high brightness and seamless customization to “that” any professional who will make use of such a model.
Last companies throwing great importance and in the “picture quality” of their business models, constantly raising standards of each category.
The PT-EZ580 is the definition of such a quality in all areas of construction.
O EZ580 is “great” and this can be seen from any angle and look …
The “lucky” owner of the EZ580 can choose among six lenses that cover the whole range of distances, mounting five using zoom and a fixed short throw.
The process of changing the lens is simple with the use of a button at the top of the projector.
The Panasonic has simplified the procedure and in particular maintenance of the EZ580. Everything is accessible to the user, and within a few seconds can be accessed from the bulb.
… until the optical engine
The PT-EZ580 has that entry could imagine … from the classic plus HDMI/DVI to the “Thoroughbred” display port.
The remote control of the borders of the “classic Panasonic …
- Technology: 3LCD active matrix
- Resolution: 1920Ch1200 (16/10)
- Brightness: 5400 lumens
- Light: UHM 335W (4000/4500 hours)
- Contrast : 5000:1
- Lens shift : powered ±60 % vertical, ±10 % horizontal
- Operating noise: 35 dB (lamp power: NORMAL), 29 dB (lamp power: ECO)
- Weight: kg 10.6
PT O-EZ580 as a professional projector probably will spend his whole life by displaying image in some space that the brightness will not be controlled. So I decided to make the test in such a space. For this reason all measurements and tests made on non-controlled brightness.
But let’s switch to start to see the “arms” of the EZ580 in the professional who will choose.
Daylight view
With the Daylight view setting in on position, the EZ580 makes use of a sensor that features on the chassis in order to measure the brightness of the space and to adjust the brightness, gamma and colors accordingly.
In practice, this mode works extremely and and trying to fool the projector by increasing or decreasing the ambient light of space, it continues and adjusts the picture perfect.
This feature is extremely useful because it does not employ the projector operator with additional settings that have to do with the space for the projector to deliver the maximum image, something which is very important.
Side by Side and P in P
Another feature of EZ580 is projecting two different images simultaneously either splitting the projected image in two equal parts (Side by Side) or placing one image into the other (P in P).
This operation will be extremely useful in presentations or training remotely.
DICOM simulation mode
This mode is intended to display X-ray images and improves the contrast/brightness so that the projected image to be more distinct.
Digital Link
O EZ580 can accept uncompressed HD video signal, audio and network door handle commands with simple Ethernet cable (CAT5e) that its length may arrives and 100 meters!
Also, buying one optional digital interface box of Panasonic can really simplify very remote mounting of EZ580
Lens selection depending on the mounting distance
The owner of the EZ580 can choose among 6 lenses depending on his needs and to place the projector ideal in any room.
Switching lenses lets the EZ580 be transformed from a long throw on a short throw projector in seconds and to serve every possible placement.
Dynamic IRIS
Rarely in professional projectors series we find “toys” contrast as the dynamic IRIS, which confirms that Panasonic has given particular importance and the “image” in EZ580. On headlamps with both high brightness, dynamic IRIS works wonders and is something that I have noticed when viewing HD footage.
The software and the hardware of the dynamic IRIS EZ580 is a complete “sinemadiki” implementation, configuring picture frames at each opening of the IRIS in conjunction with other bulb brightness and gamma curve.
Minimal maintenance
The EZ580 is designed to require minimal maintenance over time. The chassis is sealed, with a unique air flow from the filter entry to the exit of the cooling system.
The Panasonic Announces change filter every 17,000 hours, depending on the work environment of the projector. For those who have environmental concerns to say that the EZ580 filter is made from fully recyclable materials.
If we add to this the very high brightness of EZ580 (5400 lumens), the quiet mode (29db in Eco mode), placement facilities and long lamp life (4500 hours in Eco mode), then we can confidently talk about a professional projector equipped like “lobster” he winks and the most demanding user.
Well all these goodies, other let’s move to see the performance of EZ580 in image issues.
The EZ580 features full image sliders and when I say complete I mean everything (RGB, gamma and full CMS) allows full customization of the image according to the tastes of each owner or international standards.
I set up the projector in a classic meeting room and started the measurements and testing me with source a computer trying to exomoiwsw the actual operating conditions of a professional projector.
The first positive impression came from the chromatic uniformity of projector or deemed extremely good. Difficult to meet LCD projector with both good uniformity. That you pay you get says the popular proverb … and I guess he is right …
The next he was preoccupied with the convergence, after talking to tritsipo projector, like the sharpness.
Convergence was found at very good levels, with all three colors to balance pretty well between them (under 0.5 pixel deviation) something I expected from such a quality projector.
The sharpness of the lens also varies in very high levels, which helps reading small fonts or Excel files.
Let’s see what the measurements showed …
RGB and gamma measurements with factory settings in Cinema mode & Standard
And after the calibration
As you will see on the lower gamma 10 IRE lowers enough, i.e. the particular shade of gray is rather brighter than the ideal. This is due to the fact that measurements and setting of EZ580 made in a non-controlled lighting as I said, on the altar of a simulation conditions as close as possible to real that will call the EZ580 to face.
Measurements of primary and secondary colors … (mode cinema)
Like tell the EZ580 presents a generally ypokoresmeno color triangle which is due in any case to astrwti and new lamp.
Brightness measurements the EZ580 showed its teeth fully justifying 335W light bulb.
Yielded maximum brightness and minimum 2200 lumens 4,600 lumen. In the first case in dynamic mode and the second kalimprarismenos in standard mode (which is slightly darker than the cinema mode!).
Measurements on/off contrast got 1100:1 native measurement, which is excellent for the type of projector and 4150:1 with the dynamic Iris on, something that indicates any aggressive nature.
In the image and everything to get my personal conclusions so that I and you convey, not bore the temptation and I put the EZ580 to display HD film material.
Apart from the mediocre black levels (remember that we are talking about 2200 lumen brightness kalimprarismenos!), something that of course I waited, in other areas you can’t realize that it is a model professional series. I’ve seen several commercial models of the same “stature” and I can say that the EZ580 is by far the most cinematic.
Has definition the meet only serious home cinema deployments (helps and very good convergence), excellent grayscale, returns the dark details in bright and uncompressed footage impresses with brute strength.
Color is LCDadiki rich colour palette, impressive luminosities of both primary and secondary colors and outstanding naturalness in the so-called skin tones (skin tones).
All this in an environment without the sketchy shading course, something every time you realise you can’t fail to be impressed.
With the dynamic IRIS enabled now, dark scenes acquire depth and texture that they lacked and the projector starts to “breathe” somewhat. You can’t imagine in headlights with both high brightness how useful in dark shots are automatic IRIS.
As a function, the dynamic IRIS, would say it’s fairly discreet and fast. He wants to see the attempt to intervene, other if pagwseis the scene and deactivate then understand how positively it had intervened in the picture.
If I wanted to describe the EZ580 in a nutshell, I would say that this is a projector that has good characteristics of a DLP with touches from the color palette and the highly of LCD, so simply.
And some screenshots from the “beast” …
[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”15″ gal_title=”pr-ez580 screenshots”]
And a little humorous “video presentation” (so, to add a humorous “icing” in this review) for which owe a big thanks to Michael, a friend and collaborator, for endless moments of laughter they offered us during filming. I hope you enjoy it as much as we do!
[vimeo clip_id=118802298 width=640 height=480 ]
The PT-EZ580 projector is a multitool, perfect companion of a professional and a real Chameleon when asked to perform small debts cinematic camera.
The build quality of the ranges at very high levels, has excellent possibilities of customization depending on the conditions in which they will be invited to meet and has very high standards in the final image quality.
Panasonic PT-EZ580
Delegation: Intertech A S.
Mood: Hellas S A LEC.
Tel. 210-2589040
Price: EUR 4,530
Gute Aussichten!
Nikos Tswlas