Many of you may do not know they exist. Others may have just heard of them. However, ALR screens have been on the market for years and their evolution has reached a very high level in terms of their performance.

But what is exactly the ALR screen?

One of the benefits on ALR is that the screen return almost all the light it receives from a projector back to the viewing position and not in all directions such as a common white fiber (so reduced reflections in space), and the other is to prevent ambient lighting coming from various other angles from being sent to the viewing position to mess up our image (so nice contrast image even with ambient lighting).

How does ALR do that?

The special PVC plastic from which the fiber is made, has the ability as the angle that a photon hits it grows, the darker it becomes. Simply the more sideways we look at it, the darker it looks in our eyes, and as we know, the darker the color, the greater the absorption of light, and less reflection we have. That’s ALR!

The Celexon Dynamic Slate ALR is such a screen that in addition to the above two features it claims to improve both the black levels of the image even in a dark environment that reflections do not affect the image, such as a special black viewing room.

Let’s go to the screen test though and you’ll be answered a lot of questions…


The screen comes very well packed with all it’s accessories arranged in boxes, special impression made me and that the bottom rod of the screen comes bolted/immobilized with a metal angle on the chassis. This ensures that the screen during its transport will not be under stress due to vibration and will reach its owner intact.



Its placement is extremely easy, in essence it hangs on two bases that secure on it and can be put on a wall or ceiling. That is, we screw the bases and the screen comes and snaps on them making its placement very easy even by a single person.



Impression causes that the screen comes with built-in RF receiver and with the corresponding remote control, but it also has an IR external cable accompanied by a second remote control which is also contained in the package! It also has a built-in trigger port and with the cable (which is also included in the package) we can connect it to the corresponding port of our projector in order for the screen to opens automatically every time we activate our projector. Also in the package you will find a special plastic key with which you can adjust the length at which the screen will stop from 2 screws located at the bottom left of the screen.


I stand on them because on the ALR screens of most manufacturers the above are considered extra, and are also purchased as extras. Celexon decided to put everything factory and sell its screen like this, which is something positive.



Let’s go see some key features of the screen.


-High contrast cloth made of special PVC with gain 0.8-



-Its chassis is made of curdly white aluminum with no visible screws on the façade;


-It has a tension system with elastic ropes that keep its entire surface completely flat, which is even adjustable by the user-





-50cm+ extra fiber so that it can reach the level we want without having to place the screen lower-




-No black margins that gives us the flexibility to use it in whatever format we want!-

-The completely smooth surface of PVC makes the display ideal for viewing material up to 8K with enormous accuracy in each pixel without any concession to sharpness-


Finally, celexon dynamic slate ALR has all the necessary certifications ( ROHS, REACH, CE – 2014/53/EU )


I’m copying from Celexon’s official description…


The perfect home cinema experience within your own four walls can be quickly clouded or faded by residual light in the room or light reflections from white room walls. Our ALR 0.8 Gain high-contrast “Dynamic Slate” fabric can help here. It successfully filters out disturbing stray light and focuses the projection light on the audience without distorting colours. The perceptible image contrast increases many times over.

Our Dynamic Slate high-contrast screen fabric was specially developed to optimise the contrast value, even in low light conditions. You can say goodbye to typical “wash-out effects” or “grey haze” even at low dimming. The Dynamic Slate ALR with its 0.8 Gain is deliberately designed to be neutral and reproduces the projected image faithfully. Disturbing glitter effects and the resulting hot spots are actively avoided with this fabric.


If the screen does half of what it says, personally I’ll be very happy…


The Test




-Levels of black-


The Celexon in this area leaves you with your mouth open (above the Dynamic slate ALR, down a mat white gain 1 screen, half screen). As soon as you lower the ALR in front of a white screen the difference in the black level is more than noticeable…



A close-up screen shot comfortably reveals the difference, watch out for the black suit, how much cleaner black and free from the gray blur is in ALR material





-Ansi Contrast-


But the most significant improvement that can be seen in Celexon is the dramatic increase in the so-called ansi contrast. The diffusion of white into black is almost zero on this fiber. That’s something that if you don’t see it with your own eyes, you can’t believe it, I saw it, and I present it to you with perhaps the most ideal photo. Notice how white lines pop up in ALR through a deep black, and how the white screen dramatically affects the black level.



This is what we call “ansi contrast boost”..




The photos are taken with exactly the same settings on the camera so you can understand as much as possible the difference in ansi contrast




The screen material does not allow light to be diffusion between points in the same shot, so black remains black even if very bright spots are present in the same shot. I can’t measure that, but it’s definitely an ansi contrast that I’m not used to seeing on a normal projection…





– My living room-


For those who project in “special” home cinema room with no reflections at all,  this session may not concern you. But for those of you who play in a common living room with white walls and ceilings, welcome to the club!  🙂

This screen screams for a light-colored living room, so I installed Celexon in my living room and started testing…




The truth is that I had a very big question about the difference that Celexon ALR would make in my space, I was pessimist enough because my space is quite limited and the reflections come from almost everywhere. Let’s go and see a comparison between my ex white screen and the Celexon Dynamic Slate ALR screen. Second you will see the ALR always…






The reflections are impressively decreasing, I would say about 70-80%. The increase of ansi contrast, the best level of black and the limitation of reflections literally transform the image, give it a three-dimensional texture and improve the whole viewing experience.

What is the model of your projector and how good is it, really goes into second place with this screen…

The decrease in brightness (around 30%) in no way bothers because the increase of the contrast (blacker blacks) received by your eye makes whites look just as bright as was with the white screen.

This harnessing of light offered by Celexon ALR makes the image apart from being more impressive, and more relaxing to the eye, it gives it a naturalness I would say that I personally find ideal for viewing movies and series.








On the left is the Celexon Dynamic Slate ALR and on the right is a Kauber white label white with gain 1. The Celexon for ALR looks fairly balanced (with slightly pinched blue in RGB measurement), and shows a brightness decrease of about 30%.



I should note somewhere here that on ALR screens it is extremely difficult to take measurements (the above measurement is a point reflection from the internal light of the spectrometer) because it’s strange reflective properties require special treatment (the instrument must be completely vertical on the screen and exactly in the center). Because all my tests were done with a projector on a “coffee table” and not on my roof base it was almost impossible to place the instrument completely vertically in the center because of the shadow it made on the screen. (Somewhere here i have to say that the test was done with a projector  Vivitek DW265 with resolution 1280X800 and rated brightness 3500 lumen).



But do ALR have drawbacks in general?


Of course they do. The main drawback to ALR is the hot spot effect,  the image is brighter in its center and darker at its edges.

Another drawback is the limited viewing angle.

In both these areas Celexon is doing very well, contradicting the rule I would say. This “unorthodox” about her ALR behavior is what made me the biggest impression when I first saw this screen.

Minimal hot spot and extremely large for ALR viewing angle (the Celexon announces 160 degrees which are angles that usually offer only the white matte screens) is something you don’t expect to see on ALR screen is the truth, and yet, the Celexon Dynamice Slate ALR achieves it not only on paper but in the real field .

This has a possible explanation, the screen does not overuse reflective substance in its material and keeping low the gain manages to get rid of all the disadvantages of classic ALR sail with gain near 1.0 and above.


Another advantage of this screen is that when we are viewing the fiber “disappears”. What I mean with it. You can’t tell where it’s starting to end and if there’s a fiber behind the picture. It’s like it is camouflaged and disappeared leaving only the image to pop out of … nowhere! As impressive as it sounds, it’s as impressive as watching it happen during the projection.


You don’t really need any kind of masking on this screen, you can, while you need a 100-inch screen in your space, have a 120-inch screen for example, and when you play 16:9 material play a smaller frame, at 100 inches, and when your movie is 2.35:1, open your projector zoom and fill it up by taking the hearty 120 inches in CinemaScope. In both cases you won’t even notice that there’s more fiber, it’s like automatically where there’s no picture playing Celexon make a black margin, just amazing.


Of course I couldn’t leave you without a video, so I prepared something small and comprehensive by comparing the Celexon Dynamic Slate ALR with a Matt White Gain 1 screen. Enjoy responsibly…

YouTube player







The Celexon Dynamic Slate ALR for me was a pleasant surprise that I haven’t lived in video projection in a while. The improvement it gives to the image, especially in low contrast projectors (see DLP)  is impressive. Impressive is also the control over the room reflections it provides, perhaps the most destructive factor in a common projection room , such as our living room. And all this almost free from the major problems of ALR technology… and in a fair price i would say, this is a real achievement, congratulations Celexon!

And something I did not refer in the review, with this screen it is possible to view with not so much losses even in a space with lighting, if e.g. we want to watch a sport event and we do not want to turn off all the lights, Celexon ALR will help not to take as a result a washed image as with a classic white screen but a clean image with enough contrast and correct colors to enjoy our view. That is very cool in some cases.

This screen for me is almost necessary for viewing in a light colored room like a usual living room , as you understand the first piece that came to Greece is hung permanently in my living room. You may have seen some photos from my living room in this review, but believe me…for me its like i have rediscover the pleasure of projection….


If you want more information about the screen such as price, sizes e.t.c here is the official Celexon Dynamic Slate ALR Screen Link


God bless you all

Nikos Tsolas


  1. Rico says:

    Hi All,

    I came over this review while searching an ALR screen for my living-room to replace my outdated matt-white screen. Having read the product-description from celexons homepage, I thought it cannot be believed!
    celexon describes it as THE ALR screen with so many positive aspects of picture improvement & great workmanship, scope of delivery…too much as I thought to believe it..
    Deep black, bright white, no hotspot, vivid color with over 99% color-matching, good viewing angle, no silver sparkling, great flatness, massive control-options out of the box…and such price??? – did they re-invent the ALR or what?
    So I contacted google and looked out for 3rd opinions, found some indeed positive forum posts 2 videos and this great, detailed review – thanks Nikos!
    After I finally went through here, I started believing & decided for celexons Dynamic Slate, dismissing other brands – as there I always found negative aspects or known limitations..
    What shall I say… I AM blown away from this surface – it is the re-definement of my Living-room Homecinema. It does unbelievably make all what celexon promised. It´s black level is amazing, it is kinda virtual picture, such plasticity, sharpness, brightness and same time amazing color – I can watch movie and sports during the day and not needing to darken the whole room anymore in the dark it is like a projected OLED Display and the fine structure of the surface is fine for 8k, 16k anything..
    Feels like I got a new projector (I “just” have a Epson TW5500 Full HD).
    I love it and wanted all readers of this review know my experience.
    Thanks for the review which finally lead me to buying the screen – so well done celexon! I feel like a child on Christmas-day
    Thanks & take care mates!

  2. carlos says:

    Hi, my name is Carlos, I am from Spain. I have seen your review and I loved it, I have also read your post and discussion in avsfourms.
    I have an acer vl7860 laser projector of 3000 lumens with a 106 “white screen with a projection distance of 333 cm and I see about 250 cm approx. I have a white ceiling and gray curtains, my question is if I change to 110” will I take advantage of the celexon or I can have drawbacks, I almost always see with lights off. The texture is noticeable? The rest of the unlit screen turns black. What is your opinion?
    what is your opinion regarding xy screen or vividstorms, are they good? at the celexon level?
    thank you very much for your reply

    • Tsolas Nikos says:

      Hello Carlos, the celexon is the most “soft” ALR screen as far as concerning the ALR disadvantages. My opinion is to go straight to celexon, is the perfect screen for a DLP projector. The XY and the vividstorm are hardcore ALRs, better job on reflections but bigger hot spot and texture. The celexon for me is the right balance between ALR and a normal white screen.

  3. carlos says:

    Thank you very much for your response, I keep trying to learn about screens alr.the celexon is still out of stock in Spain at least until mid-september. I do not see celexon data in relation to projection. with a throw of 333 cm and a base of 238 ( 108 “maximum for my distance and it forces me to buy 110”) cm gives me a ratio of 1.39. Reading about alr I have read a minimum of 1.5. How do you see it? will i notice hotspot? Me and my family sat in the center of the screen. The calibrated projector is about 2400 lumens, we must remember that it is laser. I have a little concern that it looks more like my white screen than a gray contrast alr. sorry for so many questions.

    • Tsolas Nikos says:

      On Celexon you can play from throw ratio 1 and above easily without worrying for hotspot. The 1.39 is almost perfect. Celexon is a grey ALR screen, nothing to do with a simple white screen.

  4. carlos says:

    hello again, the status has just been updated here in Spain, it is in stock. I have ordered it and it will arrive between September 24 and October 3. I will try to put my impressions and a comparison with my current screen later

    • Tsolas Nikos says:

      Yes Carlos!when you receive it please share your impressions, will be nice!Enjoy your new screen!perfect choice.

  5. Joeri says:

    Hej Nikos! Do you have some pictures/video of using the screen when ambient light is present? Good to see already that it reduces the reflections coming back from white walls! Planning to use it with a Sony HW45 which “only” has 1800 lumens (1200 calibrated). In dark probably fine, but perhaps not with ambient light present. Thanks!

  6. Cristiano says:

    bonjour Nico j’ai acheté l’écran je l’ai installé et le problème c’est qu’en fait je n’arrive pas à tendre la toile complètement il y a des vagues est-ce que tu as eu ce problème là où toi quand tu as dérouler l’écran la toile était déjà lisse car moi-même en tendant au maximum la toile j’ai quand même des vagues et c’est affreux avec mon
    videoprojecteur laser

    • Tsolas Nikos says:

      as i understand from the translation you have waves on your screen, right?Have you try to adjust the tension system?

  7. cristiano says:

    bonjour nikos oui j’ai des vagues et j’ai ajuster avec le système de tension et c’est toujours pareil donc je vais leurs renvoyer c’est se qu’il mon dit contre 1 autre

  8. cristiano says:

    bonjour nikos comment régler les vis de fin de course de l’écran

    • Tsolas Nikos says:

      Hello, there are two screws on the left side of the screen. You can adjust them with the yellow key that was on the screen package!

  9. Pierre says:

    Hi Nikos, excellent post. Maybe you could help me. I want to by a projector and I hesitate with two BenQw1120 with its 2200 lumens out of the box and Optoma HD29H with 3500 lumens. Which one could be the better choice with this type of ALR (living room, white walls, a lot of ambient lights during the day even if it’s not the moment to watch movies).
    Then I have questions about Celexon Slate:
    – I heard that Celexon are probably the same as vividstorm, what’s your thought on that ?
    – I tried to contact Celexon to know if they have the black case finish and no answer, it could be a good point.
    – Second point have you tried a Screenline radiance 0.8 ?
    I could have an offer on this one but not tensionned (for the same price), so I wonder if you could tell me some differences ? Thank you.

    • Tsolas Nikos says:

      Hello Pierre. On these two models i go with the W1120. Yes, i have seen the radiance. It is good screen, but not so impressive like celexon (celexon gives deep blacks, the radiance not). I think the benq with the celexon screen will be a killer setup.

      • Pierre says:

        Thanks for your answer. Let’s go for the BenQ. Just not sure between celexon and vividstorm, I really would like black housing to avoid reflexions on white elements but in the balance, finding celexon as a european trademark is a good point too… I’ll find.

        • Tsolas Nikos says:

          celexon is not using vividstorm fibers. If you want my opinion, buy the celexon screen, and paint alone only the bar black, the case up is not a problem to be white.

          • Pierre says:

            Ok, I ordered Celexon screen, I hope it’s a good choice 😉

          • Tsolas Nikos says:

            it is the best choice on this price range! Keep me informed!

          • Pierre says:

            I have received it, very fast via Beamer-discount in germany. Installed it. Easy part. I haven’t got the projector yet, it will be next tuesday. BenQ W1110 finally, I found one for a very good price. It Seems to be very close to the W1120.
            I have one problem on the celexon: 3 horizontal lines on the surface. Clearly visible, but hard to catch on photography. With a powerful led torchlight, we can clearly see them. I hope it will not be the same with the projector. Do you think I must notice the vendor ? Or can I do something to erase these lines, do you know this problem, do you have some tricks to “delete“ these lines ?

          • Tsolas Nikos says:

            probably it is the first ALR screen you see. All ALR electric screens have these lines!It is from the roll, does not effect the image, don’t worry about them, they will go away after some time you use the screen!

          • Pierre says:

            Ok great, thanks for the advice. I let you know my feelings with the projector asap.

  10. carlos says:

    Yesterday it came to me, the screen for the few tests I did fulfills what it says, later I will explain more. but there are 2 things that I don’t like, 1 of them I don’t care about are some small wrinkles at the bottom that are not noticeable when viewed. number 2 and if it is important to me are horizontal lines of being rolled up every 30 cm, in bright scenes they are noticeable. in the rest impossible to detect. With my 110 “and projection ratio 1.39 I have no visible hot spot. I’m going to leave it unfolded for a few days, if the lines go away I’ll return it. It’s my third pvc screen and the other 2 hardly had these horizontal lines, only 1 of them was appreciable very hardly. celexon is worth a lot of money. this screen so that I have to keep this defect forever

    • Tsolas Nikos says:

      Carlos all the ALR PVC screens make these horizontal lines, it is something you exepct to see. These lines will be come invisible by the time. if you have a lot of days to open the screen then the lines will be more noticeable again for the first hour of use.This is something normal at the roll up ALR screens. By the time the lines will be always there, but will not be visible any more. How about the picture?What is your opinion?

  11. carlos says:

    I use google translator and I think I understand that you say that the lines will disappear? I have never had these lines so visible on other PVC screens in terms of the image, very good, now it is noon in Spain and the sun is shining through a large window on the right side, with some curtains drawn, I only have one very good image. without the curtain it cannot reject all the light, even though you can see something. with white it would be impossible to see anything. We mounted the screen with a friend, he is also a fan of projection and he was fascinated with the image at night, before with the white one he had overexposure of images, he had to play with hdr and ganma modes. now I hardly play, I have it very well. very contrasted. I have hardly lost light, and the colors are very saturated. With the combination of my laser projector and this screen, my friend said that it looked like a 110 “television. I saw dragon ball broly last night in rec709 mode and woow! But I’m worried that those lines will never go away. Nikos, if you want, you can send me your address Mail to mine and I would send you photos and videos in case you want to see or publish them.The only forum that I am a user is forodvd or mundodvd here in Spain.

    • Tsolas Nikos says:

      Yes, the contrast and the colors are amazing on this screen. And the good thing is without any hotspot!My email is on my contact page, Don’t worry about the vertical lines, they will go away as you use the screen, this is a clasic ALR behavior.

    • Fabio says:

      hola Carlos, ¿cómo van los pliegues en la pantalla? ¿Siguen siendo muy evidentes o han desaparecido? ¿Encontraste otros defectos durante la proyección?
      gracias por las respuestas ….

      • Carlos says:

        hola, fabio. las lineas han desaparecido como decia Nikos. estoy muy contento con la pantalla. hice una review en España). ha tardado semanas en irse. yo también me cuesta mucho usar el ir con un broadlink r3, al final lo he dejado por complicado y uso mando normal

  12. carlos says:

    as a curious note, the image pierces the canvas and is seen from the other side. my friend says he will put one in his bar so he can have people on both sides drinking sides with a single projector haha

  13. Cristiano says:

    Bonjour Nikos voilà j’ai un petit problème j’ai complètement déréglé les vis de fin de course haut et bas j’aimerais savoir si tu sais si tu sais comment les régler par exemple quand je descends l’écran à fond sur les côtés je ne compte que 10 points qui Tende la toile est-ce que tu peux me dire combien toi tu en compte quand tu descends ton écran à fond ensuite quand je remonte l’écran il claque à l’intérieur du carter donc je suis obligé de l’arrêter avant merci à toi car je ne sais plus comment faire

  14. Marcin Szulc says:


    the screen looks great, however I have a question. Can I hang it over my living room’s window? I read that the canvas is somehow sensible to sunlight and can stretch a bit but I am not 100% sure about it.

    • Tsolas Nikos says:

      All the screens have problem to be direct to the sunlight. If you want to hang it on a window, you have to put α curtain to your window to reduce the amount of the sunlight that comes from behind to the screen.

  15. Colin Stone says:

    Very interesting. Would this be a good screen for a Sony VPL-VW320ES 1500 lumen projector??

  16. Marcin Szulc says:

    Is it possible to lock the height of the screen in the desired position? The overall height is about 168 + 50 cm (for 298x168cm variant) which is around 220cm total. And I have 210cm available (there is a small table on the ground with audio equipment). So I need only 210cm to roll out. Please answear because that is the last thing I need to know before my purchase 🙂

  17. Marcin Szulc says:

    Hi, I just received the screen. I did not mount it yet, however I did not see any screws which are responsible for the screen’s length. Could you please tell me how to adjust the screen’s length? It is my first screen, so I am not familiar with these kind of things.

  18. Marcin Szulc says:

    I got this 298cm screen a week ago. Mounting it on the wall was easy. The picture is good, but my living room is pretty bright with wooden floor panels and I can see some reflections as well as the black level is not as nice as in above video. But as I said – it may be connected with my living room setup.

    I cannot see any horizontal lines as few people mentioned above, however there are some wrinkles in corners at the very bottom of the screen. They do not have any impact on the picture itself – I set the picture a little higher then those wrinkles and rest of the screen is perfectly flat.

    My only concern is that during the time those wrinkles will grow – do you also experienced them in your screen?

    • Tsolas Nikos says:

      298 is the absolutely biggest size for an ALR electric screen. I wouldn’t recommend this size at first place for an ALR fiber. What projector you have?

      • Marcin Szulc says:

        Benq tk800

      • Marcin Szulc says:

        Benq tk800. As I said above – I do not complain about the picture quality – I’ll experiment with my projector settings as well as will do some minor living room’s setup changes.

        My only concern are those little wrinkles – I can live with them right now, but I am little worried about the screen’s flatness in the future.

  19. Cristiano says:

    Bonjour Marcin Szulc avez-vous descendu complètement l’écran ? car j’ai acheté le même écran et j’avais le même problème des vagues j’ai appelé Celexon et ils m’ont dit qu’il faut obligatoirement descendre l’écran complètement si on ne veux pas avoir de vague chose que j’ai faite au bout de 48 heures je n’avais plus de vagues mais à chaque fois que je remontais l’écran et que je leur ai descendez les vagues réapparaissait mais au bout d’une demi-heure l’écran était lisse je l’ai quand même renvoyé et là je vais en commander un autre pour voir si c’était un défaut ou si c’est l’écran qui est comme ça

  20. Fabio says:

    ho acquistato la versione da 100″ e devo dire che l’immagine è davvero buona. Purtroppo però anche nel mio schermo ci sono alcune righe orizzontali molto evidenti e qualche riga verticale, meno evidente. Queste righe sono visibili in presenza di scene luminose e sono abbastanza fastidiose. Ho lasciato lo schermo aperto per qualche giorno ma sembrano essere ancora lì. Cos’altro si può fare?

  21. Fabio says:

    Altro problema: i comandi IR non funzionano. Ho provato anche con Logitech Harmony ma non ho risolto. Qualche altra idea?

  22. Ludo says:

    Bonjour, je suis intéressé par ce modèle en 120″.Où peut-on l’acheter au meilleur prix avec livraison en France ?
    Hi, i am interested in this 120″ modem, chère can i buy it witt the best prince ?

    • Bonomo says:

      hello Ludo, what do you think of this celexon alr screen, in terms of manufacturing quality, and in terms of image. I don’t know if I should validate for celexon, vividstorm, or xy screen. cordially

  23. Ludo says:

    Sorry, fuc…ng smartphone 🙂

    “Hi, i am interested in this 120″ model, where can i buy it with the best price ?

  24. Colin Stone says:

    Just got the screen up. Brilliant picture and must do some comparisons with old light grey screen which is still hanging behind it.
    But, anyone know how to adjust the lower drop stop??
    There is the orange key but my instructions on using it are non existent. Other Celexon instructions don’t have much either.

    • Fabio says:

      Devi abbassare il telo e girare con la chiave gialla finché lo schermo non fa uno scatto. Quando farà la scatto potrai regolare il drop con ogni giro di chiave. Finché non senti lo scatto continua a girare la vite. Prova prima in un verso e se non succede niente prova nell’altro

  25. Bonomo says:

    Hello Nikos Tsolas

    I plan to change my projection surface and my video projectors (kimex 110 inches 1.1, beng w2000), for a xiaomi Mijia ALPD3.0 laser video projector model with a projection ratio of 1.2, 2400 lumens coupled with the ALR celexon that you have tested
    I have between my canvas and my sofa, 3m30. Do you think the 120 inch could do the trick and if it’s a good match.
    Thank you in advance and well done for your work.


  26. Freekill says:

    Hi Nikos,

    First of all, thanks for the review!

    You said in a previous reply that the screen can be used with a throw ratio as low as 1.0 without noticeable hotspot.

    Do you think the ratio could be pushed further down to ~0.75 or would that be too low and produce a hotspot?

  27. Andreu says:

    Hi! Thanks for the review.

    Have you got the chance to test the XY black crystal screen, or Vividstorm Obsidian? If the answer is yes, which one do you prefer, Celexon or XY/Vividstorm?


  28. jim says:


    This screen is not Tab-tension but only Tension on the sides?

  29. Luca Quintarelli says:

    Hi Nikos,
    I plan to buy the new Benq TK700STi and I would like to use it with this screen in order to have better black level.
    The TK700STi is quite short, I will project 125″ from 2,6m (it should be a throw ratio of 0,9). It will be in a bedroom so my point of view will not be the optimal as the screen will be in higher position (i will look at the screen lining in my bed). Do you think that this screen can be a good solution for me?
    Many thanks!

    • Anil I says:

      Hello, I have the same projector. Have you ended up buying it? How is your experience? Also if you did, have you installed the projector to the ceiling?
      Many thanks!

  30. Franck cheval says:

    Bonjour je viens d acheter un vidéo projecteur ultra courte focal laser
    Puis je utiliser cet écran

  31. Antonio Giagu says:

    Wow, aweome review ! Thanks a lot, i’m gong to buy it 🙂 Thanks again !

  32. Francesco says:

    Ciao grazie per la recensione, possiedo un XGIMI HORIZON e vorrei acquistare uno schermo ALR per migliorare l’immagine, unico dubbio è che non avendo la cornice nera si rischia di vedere il classico contorno più chiaro dell’immagine tipico del DMD 0.47 presente su molto proiettori DLP.
    L’assenza della cornice nera si nota o non è un problema?

  33. Przemek says:

    Hi, thanks for the great review. What I’m wondering is – would this screen be suitable for a Ultra Short Throw laser projector? I know they say it is rather for standard long throw projectors but since it’s an ALR I’m wondering…? Are there different kinds of ALR screens for UST and long throw?
    Sorry if this is a dumb question.

  34. CrustyToad says:

    Hi Νίκος
    I am considering this screen to pair it with the Valerion Pro2, currently on a bot towards me. Can you day something about how the screen behaves in terms of laser speckle? I am between this and a woven acoustically transparent screen. The ALR will give me contrast but the At will give me higher brightness and easy speaker placement.

    Ευχαριστώ εκ των προτέρων

    • Tsolas Nikos says:

      No, the Celexon ALR screen isn’t suitable for any RGB laser projector, as it tends to amplify speckling. If I were you, I’d definitely go with the transparent screen instead

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