BenQ W7000

A few days ago we had the pleasure to be in John friend’s space and (again) adjust the projector. The namesake has chosen for his film company the W7000 BenQ’s. This is a monotsipo projector DLP 1920 x 1080 resolution.

Standing across from a floor screen 106 ‘ Visivo company in 5.5 meters. John has put on a DIY flooring construction so that the lens be located and marked just above the center of the screen. In this way, uses and the lens shift (moving lens) featuring the 7000, so centers honors his image on the cloth. The source has a very powerful HTPC because he likes the frame interpolation algorithm via script, although the spotlight already has this feature.

Before I start with the settings to say two words on the screen. The namesake when he was looking for ways to set up the home, due to objective problems in the layout area, went to the option Manual floor screen. The screen when rolling out, features at the bottom of the border black ~ 90 centimeters and rests on the back with metal frame of very good quality. When we were talking about it, I was not aware the company Visivo, my prices seemed slightly pinched. After it was the subject of the dimension. 106 inches is large enough frame to unfold and to gather in this way, so I had my doubts about whether it would be a good choice. After a year and having hosted several times at the home of John, I can assure you that this is a very good screen which shows no trace of wear or damage. Creases nor sample!!

Somewhat so we started …

We started with the basics (brightness, contrast, sharpness). The projector came fine without considerable study. The same hoped for and for the rest of regulation and we threw the first patern to grayscale. Before quote charts, to say that the projector is the joy of paterns! The grayscale came with literally two clicks (although the paidepsame tiny bit because we wanted the perfection … Kane and otherwise if you are Panagiotis next!!), the gamma sat well with small deviations from the nominal value that indicates the company, while the colors were adjusted to a very good point. It is understood that all arrangements were made with the dynamic IRIS off (the 7000 doesn’t have manual on regular menu except in hidden, whereby it is advisable not to get into trouble if you are not familiar with the machinery of Mpenk), and choosing Brilliant Color was also disabled. Two words for the B.C. …


Be sure that the Taiwanese company’s engineers have done more work in this area. The new generation of B.C. (1070, 1080, 1500, 7000) does not affect the image as in previous models (5000, 10000, 20000). Except that the “Passerelle enochlitikotati redness, decreased, and the difference in brightness. The new B.C. gives around 30% more light while the previous implementation was giving close to 50% (practically had to activate it by force if playing in frame of over 100 inches).

As regards the regulations say that the controls of the machine are listening to marvelous and we didn’t have any problems to get close to the reference (though I preferred the cms to the hurt from the hidden menu due to greater accuracy in calibrating that offers this option). The site of John is the classic standard saloon with billions reflections!! So we tried to adjust with 2 different gamma values. Behold:

Go to the lights ….. rather the many lights!! Lighthouse!! Talking about a coordinate with 300W lamp.

The colors came and those famous.

In terms of grayscale, is the smallest that I have personally never count in media (tv, monitor or projector). To say at this point that the Mpenk setting has only two points for grayscale!!

Two words for the projector’s behavior over a period of approximately one year. This is the second calibration we do in John’s 7000. The first had done when he had about 60-70 hours. Currently has approximately 350. The brightness has dropped around 8%, which is considered exceptional when you consider the ploy of UHP lamps.  Generally, the projector exhibits grammikotati behavior without some special and noteworthy problem. Quote and the old charts to judge for yourself:


After setting course followed the necessary klipakia. We tested several obscure scenes by enabling and disabling the dynamic IRIS. As most people know, the DLP projectors suffer in piece of absolute black, so the use of the IRIS helps quite giving more kontrastati picture. The operation is quite to very discreet and will watch only to white subtitles with black background or on very sudden changes of brightness. Generally, although I’m not a fan, I could live with it. Moreover, the well-known dynamic image by ntielpadiki cloth drifted with excellent colors and very good skin tone (not Excel the Mpenk in this area, but generally get high score). In bright and imifwteines scenes played projector at its headquarters, showing excellent behavior. The movement does not present a topic (24 updated in 48Hz) while for those who prefer a more buttery taste there is movement and the choice of F.I. (3 options).

Brightness uniformity, color uniformity and clarity are spaces in which the DLP, so and the flagship of Mpenk could not certainly falls short.

Oh, I forgot … …. has 3D!!! Just mention it for those who want to see theatrical performances in the cloth wearing glasses in the eyes. I reach the 2 that I wear already, don’t over do it!!

Generally, it is a classic DLP monotsipo machine with all the pluses and minuses. I saw something I hadn’t seen before. I am sure however that if the projector playing field slightly more dedicated and with the necessary masking on the screen will definitely give a 50% above the final performance and efficiency. This of course nothing prevents him to enjoy the tainioyles!!

Good sightings and viewings, Bro, and have fun!!

And my own view …

Let us say a few words about the BenQ 7000! Just as he writes and John Hadjigeorgiou, the spotlight comes easily, so in RGBkai the Gamma and color. The DeltaE0, 37, who recorded the Calman, is simply the best result that we’ve ever achieved on a projector, as you can see from the above three 30IRE and the colors are just one over the other, now nearing to form a white line! The same very well did the projector and in color.

Also, I couldn’t agree more on the last paragraph in the text of John Hadjigeorgiou. John’s space is far from being characterized as ideal for video projection. Pale walls everywhere, many frames, large furniture with glass Windows, etc., constitute a backdrop almost ‘ nightmarish ‘ for any projector.

The BenQW7000 hosted at John’s salon, in a lovely handmade wooden base soil, so his hands are “tied”, an intervention capabilities with maskarismata is minimal.

Viewing impressions with movie clips in place of Gianni, immediately after the calibration of a projector, the projector space effect was very easily understood, and lacked a sufficient contrast and strength of the image. Opposite, the projector of John and with essentially the same calibration, had excelled in competitive with the BenQ, a 1070 and there played in place of Nikos, who is much smaller and with minimal reflections, with two small black maskarismata on the sides of the screen, but above all to grey screen. Even in this very modest grey screen of platinum147 of 130 euros, 7000 BenQW was far more three-dimensional and kontrastatos, with much better black and of course much better dark shots.

So well? I in place of John will go electric screen grey ante, a space and do not allow screen fixed.

The BenQW7000 has the necessary ‘ brightness ‘ accelerators to drive properly a grey screen, if there are no excesses in size of frame. If money were not an obstacle, I will personally go into an electrical Stewart Greyhawk, with the 0.6 gain would leave virtually almost ‘ unaffected ‘ brightness of W7000, but at the same time will improve very black, while dramatically cutting the reflections of space offering very attributable to ANSI contrasttoy projector. The only negative point would be the presence of small extent onscreen hotspot, but it would be limited and understood only in reference paternakia.

Instead it will not go in one StewartFirehawk, not only because the hotspottha was much fiercer than the Greyhawk, but also because as you can see in the photo, John has side sofa with a relatively wide viewing angle and close enough to the screen, so whoever was sitting there would have been many and serious “issues” with the Firehawk.

Now if the budget was limited, would throw much searching on cheaper gray market monitors, to end up in the optimal solution. So much for someone who is asking for the maximum and wants to “xezoymisei” and the last ounce of power out of the projector. So to stay but the W7000 plays just fine and will offer several evenings of fun and joy to its owner.

Enjoy him as much as possible, buddy John …

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